Architectural Polymers


Architectural Polymers is committed to providing our customers with the best products as well as superior customer service. We offer design consultation and support from start through completion of construction. Our team has the knowledge, experience and reliability you can count on. Let Architectural Polymers provide a solution for your next concrete project.Architectural Polymers proporciona soluciones avanzadas de hormigón para proyectos de construcción de hormigón prefabricado, tilt-up y construcción in situ. Ofrecemos una amplia selección de productos de construcción de hormigón, incluidos los sistemas de incrustación de ladrillo fino Versa-Brix ®, ladrillos finos, revestimientos de encofrado de hormigón, arte de hormigón, revestimientos de encofrado fotograbados y manchas de hormigón. Desde los sistemas de incrustación de ladrillo fino Versa-Brix ® fáciles de usar para la construcción prefabricada hasta los revestimientos de hormigón rentables para contratistas,
cada uno de nuestros productos ofrece múltiples beneficios para sus requisitos específicos de la industria.

Architectural Polymers se compromete a proporcionar a nuestros clientes los mejores productos, así como un servicio al cliente superior. Ofrecemos asesoramiento y apoyo de diseño desde el inicio hasta la finalización de la construcción. Nuestro equipo tiene el conocimiento, la experiencia y la fiabilidad con los que puede contar. Deje que Architectural Polymers proporcione una solución para su próximo proyecto de hormigón.


Soluciones para arquitectos – Imagine las posibilidades

Los revestimientos de hormigón superiores y los sistemas de incrustaciones de ladrillo de Architectural Polymers pueden ayudarle a hacer realidad sus conceptos arquitectónicos. Tenemos la tecnología y la experiencia para mantener la integridad del diseño al tiempo que ofrecemos métodos de construcción avanzados. Desde grandes proyectos que requieren patrones repetitivos de chapa de ladrillo hasta pequeños trabajos personalizados de fundición en el lugar, tenemos soluciones para satisfacer sus necesidades individuales. Permítanos ayudarle desde el lanzamiento de su proyecto hasta su finalización
para lograr un diseño estético óptimo y una construcción de calidad.

Architectural Polymers ofrece una solución de incrustación de ladrillo delgado para usted.
  • Se pueden formar una variedad de patrones con el sistema Versa-Brix®, que combina la flexibilidad de formación revestida de ladrillos con ventajas de bajo costo.
  • Utilice Versa-Brix® Multi-Use para proyectos de hormigón prefabricado de gran tamaño.
  • Utilice Versa-Brix ® de un solo uso para sus diseños prefabricados de hormigón Tilt-Up y no repetitivos.
  • Para proyectos históricamente sensibles, Versa-Brix ® Antique puede proporcionar el aspecto de ladrillo antiguo con ladrillo delgado “volcado”.
  • Cree un aspecto único con Versa-Brix ® 3-D que da un efecto irregular que añade carácter a los paneles de hormigón revestidos de ladrillo.
  • Vierta productos de mampostería delgados en sistemas de construcción de hormigón prefabricado con el atractivo Versa-Brix ® Versa Block.
    • Versa-Brix® Vertical es una solución rentable para proyectos de hormigón prefabricado, construcción in situ y vertical.
  • El nuevo sistema de juntas de un solo uso Versa-Brix ® cuenta con juntas de textura arenosa que bloquean y sellan el ladrillo en su lugar. El revestimiento de la forma de la junta Versa-Brix ® S reducirá significativamente las fugas de concreto a la cara del ladrillo, lo que en última instancia ahorrará
    tiempo y dinero de limpieza.

También ofrecemos una variedad de texturas y colores de ladrillos delgados de fabricantes de ladrillos delgados de calidad como Metro®, Summitville® Tile, Endicott® Clay y Röben.

Nuestros revestimientos de formularios están fabricados para adaptarse a sus requisitos de diseño.
  • Los revestimientos de formularios personalizados y estándar se ofrecen en varios tamaños y patrones.
  • Nuestro excelente servicio de atención al cliente puede ayudarle a planificar desde las etapas iniciales de su diseño hasta la finalización de su proyecto.
  • Los revestimientos de forma de polímeros arquitectónicos son un material de construcción sostenible.
Los diseñadores de puentes también pueden aprovechar nuestros revestimientos de hormigón y manchas arquitectónicas:

Architectural Polymers ofrece varios métodos para colorear hormigón para complementar sus texturas y patrones de revestimiento de forma. Las manchas arquitectónicas proporcionan un color realista al hormigón texturizado, desde variaciones de piedra y madera de aspecto natural hasta colores gráficos vibrantes sin el alto mantenimiento o costo de usar madera o piedra real.

  • Servicios de consulta y de diseño completos
  • Selección de patrones estándar para una fácil integración en cualquier proyecto
  • Hojas de patrones diseñadas a escala para ayudar con el diseño
  • Patrones y piezas personalizados por solicitud

Obtenga más detalles sobre nuestras soluciones concretas:

Formliners arquitectónicos

Accesorios para encofrado de hormigón

Ladrillo fino para prefabricado

Mancha arquitectónica

Formliner grabado con foto

Formliners de ladrillo fino

Arte de concreto

Terra Cotta para prefabricado

Ladrillo fino volcado para prefabricado


Solutions for Precast – Efficient and Versatile

Rely on Architectural Polymers’ assortment of versatile, cost-efficient and easy-to-use concrete solutions for the many requirements of your Precast projects. From quality constructed concrete form liners and architectural stains to our Versa-Brix® Brick Inlay Systems, we have a product to meet your Precast needs.

Utilize the efficient and cost-effective Versa-Brix® Multi-use Thin Brick Inlay Systems for your Precast projects.
  • Versa-Brix® Multi-Use is a tough, elastomeric, easy to use modular system manufactured with pre-drilled connection pockets that allow the user to affix to any form with ease in little time. Versa-Brix® Multi-Use is often shipped to the customer in modular sections that, when assembled, reduce the need for cutting and splicing after a form change.
  • A superior blend of urethane increases the stability of Versa-Brix® Multi-Use form liners and can allow up to 70 re-uses – this diminishing cost factor can significantly reduce your form liner costs.
  • Save time and money by reducing cleanup, set up time, and wax usage.
  • Versa-Brix® Multi-Use can be quickly custom manufactured within 3 weeks. If a mold exists for your brick pattern, Versa-Brix® can be shipped almost immediately.

We also recommend our Versa-Brix® Single-Use Brick Inlay System for your single use Thin Brick Precast applications. The new Versa-Brix® Single Use Gasket system features sandy textured joints that lock and seal brick in place. The Versa-Brix® S Gasket form liner will significantly reduce concrete leakage to the brick face, ultimately saving clean-up time and money. Modular, lightweight polystyrene sheets include an overlapping feature on the edge points for fast installation.

  • Versa-Brix® Single-Use is a sustainable building material
  • Low-cost system
  • Our customer service team will help with arranging thin brick materials and form liner delivery

We offer an assortment of thin brick textures and colors from quality manufacturers like Metro®, Summitville® Tile, Endicott® Clay and Röben.

Utilize Architectural Polymers’ concrete form liners, photo engraved form liners and architectural stains as a beautiful, easy to use option for your Precast projects.

  • Our photo engraved form liners create beautifully engraved concrete panels and are environmentally friendly.
  • We offer three different grade quality form liners for large projects including, single use HIPS, 2-5 use ABS, and 15+ use premium form liners.
  • Architectural Polymers offers various methods for coloring concrete to compliment its form liner textures and patterns.
  • We offer design consultation and support throughout your project.
  • Custom form liner sizes are available to meet your individual needs.
  • Standard or custom patterns and textures can be selected for easy integration into any project.
Get more details on our concrete solutions:

Architectural Formliners

Concrete Forming Accessories

Thin Brick for Precast

Architectural Stain

Photo Engraved Formliner

Thin Brick Formliners

Concrete Art

Terra Cotta for Precast

Tumbled Thin Brick for Precast


Solutions for Tilt-Up – Beautiful and Economical

Architectural Polymers offers optimal solutions for your Tilt-Up construction needs including two different grade quality form liners for large projects including single use High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) and 2-5 use Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS).  Combine the low-cost option of our form liners with concrete stains resulting in a beautiful structure with the depth and dimension of real stone.  We also offer custom thermoforming for your smaller individual needs and Versa-Brix® S for your single use Tilt-Up Thin Brick applications.

We also recommend our Versa-Brix® Single-Use Brick Inlay System for your single-use Thin Brick Tilt-Up applications:

– Modular, lightweight polystyrene sheets include an overlapping feature on the edge points for fast installation.
– Versa-Brix® Single-Use is a sustainable building material.
– The system is low-cost.
– Our customer service team will help with arranging thin brick materials and form liner delivery.
– The Versa-Brix® S Gasket form liner will significantly reduce concrete leakage to the brick face, ultimately saving clean-up time and money. Our variety of HIPS Cast-In-Place Stone Textures and Concrete Stain are a perfect combination for your Tilt-Up projects.
– Our economical HIPS materials are also green building products that are manufactured from post-consumer reground materials.  They can be used to acquire LEED points and are sustainable building materials.
– Architectural stains provide realistic color to textured concrete, from natural looking stone and wood variations to vibrant graphic colors without the long term maintenance or cost of using real wood or stone.

We offer an assortment of textures and colors from quality thin brick manufacturers like Metro®, Summitville® Tile, Endicott® Clay, Röben, and General Shale.

Get more details on our concrete solutions:

Architectural Formliners

Concrete Forming Accessories

Thin Brick for Precast

Architectural Stain

Photo Engraved Formliner

Thin Brick Formliners

Concrete Art

Terra Cotta for Precast

Tumbled Thin Brick for Precast

Construcción in situ

Solutions for Contractors – Efficient, Cost-effective, and Service-minded

Architectural Polymers offers efficient and affordable solutions meet to your diverse concrete needs. We offer products to suit your needs from versatile form liners and concrete stains for roadways and bridges to our Versa-Brix® Vertical Brick Inlay System for vertical casting of thin brick into retaining walls.  To complement our products, we have a knowledgeable staff that offers dependable customer service to support you throughout your project.  We can help determine the best solutions to your needs with your timeline, budget and resources in mind.  Employ our engineering services from the start of your project to ensure the best construction process and structure.

Utilize Architectural Polymers’ concrete form liners, photo engraved form liners, and architectural stains on your Bridge and Retaining Wall projects.

– Our photo engraved form liners can be used to create intricately engraved concrete panels for bridges, retaining walls and more.
– We offer three different grade quality form liners for large projects including, single use HIPS, 2-5 use ABS and 15+ use premium form liners.
– Architectural Polymers offers various methods for coloring concrete to complement its form liner textures and patterns.
– We offer design consultation and support throughout your project.
– Standard or custom pattern selection is available for easy integration into any project.

Utilize the efficient and cost-effective Versa-Brix® Thin Brick Inlay System for your Concrete Projects

– The true versatility of this form liner allows for any brick veneer pattern without the expense and maintenance of traditional masonry.
– Versa-Brix® Vertical  is a tough, elastomeric, easy-to-use modular system manufactured with pre-drilled connection pockets that allow the user to affix to any form with ease in little time.
– Versa-Brix® Vertical parts have the ability to connect to themselves, allowing the user to design within the desired project parameters.  Custom and standard sizes are available in modular sections that when assembled, reduce the need for cutting and splicing.
– Save time and money by reducing cleanup and set up time with our “airtight” fit form liner.
– Versa-Brix® Vertical can be quickly custom manufactured to meet your schedule. If a mold exists for your brick pattern, Versa-Brix® can be shipped almost immediately.

Get more details on our concrete solutions:

Architectural Formliners

Concrete Forming Accessories

Thin Brick for Precast

Architectural Stain

Photo Engraved Formliner

Thin Brick Formliners

Concrete Art

Terra Cotta for Precast

Tumbled Thin Brick for Precast

Architectural Polymers ES