The world of concrete is anything but ordinary with Architectural Polymers! We have some very cool projects going on in all of our territories, and we want to share some with you as we are looking forward to their completion!
Gordie Howe International Bridge (GHIB)
Location: Canadian Port of Entry – Detroit, MI, and Windsor, Ontario
Engineer(s): Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
General Contractors (shortlist): Legacy Link Partners, Bridging North America and CanAm Gateway Partners
Pre-caster: RES Precast, Inc.
AP Product Used: Custom Concrete Art Form Liner for Pre-cast Concrete Panels
AP Sales Representative (CANADA): Clyde Ellis (cellis@apformliner.com/es)
AP is involved in multiple segments of this project with large portions on the Michigan side of the border already completed. Most impressive are the art panels at the port of entry that focus on Canadian landscape using illustrative maps and a variety of symbols representing road systems, farmland, urban centres, water, and nature.
Project link: Gordie Howe International Bridge | Welcome
Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Building
Location: Grand Chenier, LA
Architect: Angelle Architects
General Contractor: Moore Industries, LLC
Artist: Brad M. Bourgoyne (Bourgoyne Studio)
Pre-caster: Tindall Corporation
AP Product Used: Custom Concrete Art Form Liner for Pre-cast Concrete Panels
AP Sales Representative (SOUTHEAST): James Riccio (jamesr@apformliner.com/es)
Project Renderings: Rockefeller-Panels-01[21811]
Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge borders the Gulf of Mexico and extends inland toward the Grand Chenier Ridge. The center has been a refuge for wildlife and fish species, and serves as an outdoor laboratory for research on marsh management and fisheries resources. In 2021, plans were made to replace the main office building, an important hub for not only the research but also the many educational and recreational activities that the refuge offers to groups of all ages. AP is proud to be a part of this project as the artwork is a beautiful representation nature and all that the refuge protects.
Pre-cast Concrete Construction Parking Garage – Elkhart Z182 – Amish Quilt Pattern
Location: Elkhart, IN
Architect/Engineer: Alexander Gorlin Architects
General Contractor: DJ Construction
Pre-caster: CORESLAB Structures, Indianapolis
AP Product Used: Custom Quilt Pattern, 0.060 HIPS Single-use Form Liner
AP Sales Representative (CENTRAL/MIDWEST): Kevin Schrock (kschrock@apformliner.com/es)
NYC – East Side Coastal Resiliency Project (ESCR)
Location: New York, NY
Architects: ONE Architecture and BIG Architecture
General Contractor: IPC Resiliency Partners
Pre-casters: IPC (SANDRESM1/cast-in-place) and D’Annunzio (bridges)
AP Product Used: Custom Wave Pattern Form Liner
AP Sales Representative (CONTRACTOR SALES/WEST/SOUTHWEST): Carey Cornwell (careyc@apformliner.com/es)
This project involves the building of a flood wall around lower Manhattan with designs on the walls created for driving, bike riding, and walking areas. Each area has a different wavelength with walking being the shortest and driving being the longest. AP has worked with the architects on the planning of this project since 2019. There are multiple segments to the completion of this project, and AP is involved with SANDRESM1, Delancy Bridge, Corlears Bridge, and 1oth Street Bridge. Check out the mock-up below.
Project link: East Side Coastal Resiliency (nyc.gov)
Stay tuned for updates as we continue to follow each of these projects throughout the coming year. For more information on custom concrete art and other products we offer, please visit Architectural Polymers | The Leader in Concrete Formliners (apformliner.com/es)